Safe Dating Advice

Though our prior goal is for you to have a perfect date, your safety should always come first. There are some actions that are beyond your control; here are some tips to fully enjoy your Tune experience:

Online Safety

Never Send Money or Share Financial Information
Never send money, especially over wire transfer, even if the person claims to be in an emergency. Wiring money is like sending cash — it’s nearly impossible to reverse the transaction or trace where the money went. Never share information that could be used to access your financial accounts. If another user asks you for money, report it to us immediately.

Protect Your Personal Information
Never share personal information, such as your social security number, home or work address, or details about your daily routine (e.g., that you go to a certain gym every Monday) with people you don’t know. If you are a parent, limit the information that you share about your children on your profile and in early communications. Avoid sharing details such as your children’s names, where they go to school, or their ages or genders. 

Stay on the Platform
Keep conversations on the Tune platform while you’re getting to know someone. Because exchanges on Tune are subject to our Safe Message Filters (learn more here), users with bad intentions often try to move the conversation to text, messaging apps, email, or phone right away.

Be Wary of Long Distance and Overseas Relationships
Watch out for scammers who claim to be from your country but stuck somewhere else, especially if they ask for financial help to return home. Be wary of anyone who will not meet in person or talk on a phone/video call—they may not be who they say they are.  If someone is avoiding your questions or pushing for a serious relationship without meeting or getting to know you first — that’s a red flag.

Report All Suspicious and Offensive Behaviour
You know when someone’s crossed the line and when they do, we want to know about it. Block and report anyone that violates our terms. Here are some examples of violations: Requests for money or donations, Underage users, Harassment, threats, and offensive messages Inappropriate or harmful behaviour during or after meeting in person Fraudulent profilesSpam or solicitation including links to commercial websites or attempts to sell products or servicesYou can report any concerns about suspicious behaviour from any profile page or messaging window or by emailing For more information, check out our Member Principles.

Protect Your Account
Be sure to pick a strong password, and always be careful when logging into your account from a public or shared computer. Tune will never send you an email asking for your username and password information — if you receive an email asking for account information, report it immediately. If you are logging in using your phone number, do not share your SMS code with anyone. Any website requesting this code to verify your identity is not affiliated with Tune in any way. 

Meeting in Person

Don’t Rush
Take your time and get to know the other person before agreeing to meet or chat off Tune. Don’t be afraid to ask questions to screen for any red flags or personal dealbreakers. A phone or video call can be a useful screening tool before meeting.

Meet in Public and Stay in Public
Meeting in public places reduces the risk of harm from unknown people as public areas are more secured with people around.

Tell Friends and Family About Your Plans
Telling someone about where and when you are going on the first date is always a good idea. And make sure your phone is fully charged.

Be in Control of Your Transportation
You should control your transportation when going to and from your date. If you are driving yourself. It would be better to have a backup plan such as a ride-share app or a friend to pick you up. 

Know Your Limits
Be aware of the effects of drugs or alcohol on you specifically — they can impair your judgment and your alertness. If your date tries to pressure you to use drugs or drink more than you’re comfortable with, hold your ground and end the date.

Don’t Leave Drinks or Personal Items Unattended
Many substances that are slipped into drinks are odorless, colorless and tasteless; therefore, you should only accept the drinks from the bartenders. Also, keep your phone and anything containing personal information with you all the time.

If you feel uncomfortable with the person, take a leave
It is okay to end the date , if you are not feeling comfortable. And if your guts are telling you something unsafe, ask someone for help. 

LGBTQ+ Travel
Be careful while traveling. We recognise and believe in the importance of being inclusive of all gender identities and sexual orientations, but the reality is this: nowhere in the world is without potential risk, and some countries have specific laws that target LGBTQ+ people. Check out the laws around you when you travel to a new place and research what types of legal protection, if any, are available to you based on sexual orientation. In the event that you’re in unsafe territory, we suggest that you log out of or temporarily remove your Tune app while you are there.

Sexual Health & Consent

Protect Yourself
When used correctly and consistently, condoms can significantly reduce the risk of contracting and passing on STI’s like HIV. But, be aware of STIs like herpes or HPV that can be passed on through skin-to-skin contact. The risk of contracting some STIs can be reduced through vaccination.

Know Your Status
Not all STIs show symptoms, and you don’t want to be in the dark about your status. Stay on top of your health and prevent the spread of STIs by getting tested regularly.

Talk About It
Communication is everything: Before you get physically intimate with a partner, talk about sexual health and STI testing. And be aware — in some places, it’s actually a crime to knowingly pass on an STI.

All sexual activity must start with consent and should include ongoing check-ins with your partner. Verbal communication can help you and your partner ensure that you respect each other’s boundaries. Consent can be withdrawn at any time, and sex is never owed to anyone. Do not proceed if your partner seems uncomfortable or unsure, or if your partner is unable to consent due to the effects of drugs or alcohol.